Aztec® Programming Language
Version 1.1 Alpha 2

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Let your soul and spirit fly... into the mystic.

- Van Morrison


This page contains two full source code examples to demonstrate basic Aztec syntax, expressions, statements and show where each statement type can be used.

♦ General syntax rules, keywords, literal constants, operators and expressions

♦ Aztec spaces (creation and usage) and visibility keywords

♦ All valid Aztec statement types showing the locations where they can be used

♦ Includes data definition, method definition, assignment, method call, enum, class and type

This first source code example focuses primarily on the above "basic syntax" items, with the exception of Aztec "spaces".

# Example Script: Aztec Basic Syntax and Statement Usage Example
# Demonstrates basic Aztec syntax, operators, expressions and valid statement usage.

# Data items defined at the module level using default "space".
data<int> compiler CompilerData1 = 0xff # Init in hex (255 dec)
data<string> compiler CompilerData2 = "Test"
data<int> const ModuleData1 = 0b10101010 # Init in binary (170 dec), visible in module
data<int> ModuleData2 = 0b11111111 # Init in binary (255 dec), visible in module

# Assignment and Method Call statements can be used at module level for compile-time logic.
CompilerData1 = ModuleData1 + 10

# Compiler method defined and visible at the module level.
method compiler CompilerMethod1(string Arg1)
CompilerWriteLog("Inside compiler method 1 with arg " + Arg1)

# Normal (run-time) method defined at module level - visible everywhere due to 'public'.
public method RunTimeMethod1(int Arg1)
StdIO.Write("Inside normal method 1 with arg " + Arg1.Str())

# Public data item to be used at run-time.
public data<int> GlobalData3 = 0b01 # Init in binary (1 dec), visible in module

# Define a new method reference data type and a new enumeration.
type<method> SimpleMethodRef # Reference to method with no args and no return value.
enum SimpleEnum { abc, def, lmnop, wxyz }

# Run-time entry point for the script.
method Main()
data<int> Count
data<Test1> MyTest1 = new<Test1>
data<SimpleMethodRef> MyMethRef
data<SimpleEnum> MyEnum = SimpleEnum.lmnop
data<string[]> TestStrings = { "String with double quotes",
'String with single quotes',
"String with 'embedded' quotes",
'String with ''embedded'' quotes',
'String with "embedded" quotes',
"String with ""embedded"" quotes" }

# Loop through string array and dump each one.
iterate ( Count in 1..TestStrings.Size() )
StdIO.Write("String " + Count.Str() + " from array is '" + TestStrings[Count] + "'")

# This expression uses operator precedence to work correctly. No parens are needed. The logic
# works like "( (BitOr(ModuleData1,ModuleData2) == ModuleData2) & (CompilerData2 == "Test") )".
if ( BitOr(ModuleData1,ModuleData2) == ModuleData2 & CompilerData2 == "Test" )
StdIO.Write("MyEnum current value is " + MyEnum.Str())

# Call the same run-time method with three different parameters.

# Assigns Test1.Dump instance "method reference" to method ref variable and then executes it.
MyMethRef = MyTest1.Dump

# Dump out some module/global values using primitive framework method to convert to strings.
StdIO.Write('Value of ModuleData2 is ' + ModuleData2.Str())
StdIO.Write("Value of GlobalData3 is " + GlobalData3.Str())

# Simple class to hold instance and shared data and methods.
class Test1
# Data embedded in the Test1 class - 1 shared and 2 instance.
data<string> shared SharedData1
data<string> InstanceData1
data<int> InstanceData2

# Shared constructor executed automatically by system one time at startup.
method shared Test1()
SharedData1 = "SharedString"
StdIO.Write("Inside Test1 shared constructor")

# Standard (instance) constructor with no arguments.
method Test1()
InstanceData1 = "InstanceString"
InstanceData2 = 456
StdIO.Write("Inside Test1 constructor")

method Dump()
StdIO.Write("Values in Test1 object are '" + SharedData1 + "', '" +
InstanceData1 + "', " + InstanceData2.Str())

method<string> GetData1()

method<int> GetData2()

This second source code example focuses primarily on using Aztec "spaces" to define and use data, methods, classes, enumerations and types.

# Example Script: Aztec Space Usage
# Demonstrates use of Aztec "spaces" when defining and using module level items, which include
# 'data', 'class', 'method', 'type' and 'enum'. This script changes the default "space" several
# times and creates several items in each one. This is likely overkill for most needs, but is
# used to demonstrate implicit/explicit spaces. Most Aztec scripts can likely forego the use of
# spaces altogether, but the feature is there if needed more complex scripts.

# Data items defined at the module level using default "space" (aztec.script unless changed on command line).
data<int> const ModuleData1 = 0b10101010 # Init in binary (170 dec), visible in module
data<int> ModuleData2 = 0b11111111 # Init in binary (255 dec), visible in module

# Normal (run-time) method defined at module level - visible everywhere due to 'public'.
# This method is defined in an explicit "space" (aztec.script.test1).
public method aztec.script.test1.RunTimeMethod1(int Arg1)
StdIO.Write("Inside normal method 1 with arg " + Arg1.Str())

# Set new "space" to be used for creation of method, data and class below.

# Public Normal (run-time) method defined at module level - visible to the world due to 'public'.
public method RunTimeMethod2(string Arg1)
StdIO.Write("Inside normal method 2 with arg " + Arg1)

# Public data item to be used at run-time defined inside new space.
public data<int> GlobalData3 = 0b11111111 # Init in binary (255 dec), visible in module

# This simple class will also be created in "aztec.script.test2" space as set above.
class Test2
method Test2()
StdIO.Write("In Test2 constructor")

method Dump()
StdIO.Write("In Test2 Dump method")

# Set new "space" to be used for creation of the 'type' and 'enum' below, as well as Main() method.

# Define a new method reference data type and a new enumeration in "aztec.script.test3" space.
type<method> SimpleMethodRef
enum SimpleEnum { abc, def, lmnop, wxyz }

# Add '...test1' and '...test2' spaces to list ('...test3' not needed as it's default for rest of module).

# Run-time entry point for the script.
method Main()
# Local data items defined using explicit space to identify data types and implicit for enum value.
data<aztec.script.test2.Test2> MyTest1, MyTest2
data<aztec.script.test3.SimpleMethodRef> MyMethRef
data<aztec.script.test3.SimpleEnum> MyEnum = SimpleEnum.lmnop

# Allocate a new Test2 object using implicit and explicit space.
MyTest1 = new<Test2>
MyTest2 = new<aztec.script.test2.Test2>

# Execute the two global methods using implicit and explicit space.

# Assigns the Dump "method reference" to a method ref variable and then executes it.
MyMethRef = MyTest1.Dump

# Finally, access global data items implicitly and explictly.
StdIO.Write("Value of ModuleData2 is " + ModuleData2.Str())
StdIO.Write("Value of GlobalData3 is " + aztec.script.test2.GlobalData3.Str())


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