- Sammy Johns
# Example Script: Aztec Simple Child Thread
# Demonstrates creation of a child thread and simple thread to thread synchronization.
# Main class that is derived from Thread. VM automatically creates us and executes Run().
class Main from<Thread>
method Main()
# Create the sync flag object so child can tell us when it's done.
ChildDoneFlag = new<SyncFlag>
method virtual Run()
StdIO.Write("In main thread (Thread " + ThreadId().Str() + "), about to create and execute child thread.")
# Create the child thread, passing it the synchronization flag, and then run it.
Child = new<ChildThread(ChildDoneFlag)>
# Wait for the child to finish and release this flag.
StdIO.Write("In main thread, child thread is complete and released control back to us.")
data<ChildThread> Child
data<SyncFlag> ChildDoneFlag
# Child thread that will get created and executed by the Main thread. Once unleashed,
# it runs to completion (simple loop) and then sets flag to tell Main we're done.
class ChildThread from<Thread>
method ChildThread(SyncFlag DoneFlag)
ChildDoneFlag = DoneFlag
method virtual Run()
data<int> Count = 1
data<int> const Limit = 5000000
StdIO.Write("Child thread (Thread " + ThreadId().Str() + ") is beginning its task.")
# Simply sit in a loop, pretending to be busy, and signal Main when complete.
while ( Count <= Limit )
StdIO.Write("Child thread completed its task (" + Limit.Str() + " loops). Releasing synchronization flag.")
# Main thread can't continue until we release it by raising this flag.
data<SyncFlag> ChildDoneFlag